T-33, Friday — With you

I want to talk about you, mention you, see you as my girlfriend, life partner, be proud of your achievements your beautiful thoughts and the love that you can give.

My life is flying over my head, passing, slowly but surely and I miss sharing it with you. It would bring more meaning to my life, sharing it with you. To know that I was here and spent it with you, loving you, giving to you. I want to grow old by your side, and even if we didn’t amount to anything, living with you would have been worth it.

We can do it together… It doesn’t have to be like it was in your family, it doesn’t have to be broken, or hurtful like it was in mine. It can be beautiful and smooth. it can be bright as the shining sun on a beautiful summer day. We can be happy, sharing our time, our world, we could love each other and be content that the other is there for us.