Today I would tell you about how I got lost in London trying to navigate myself. It was strange, because I used to enjoy being lost, wandering around but somehow I became irritated and nervous. With you, I always felt that being lost was, in a sense, the goal. I still remember being in Düsseldorf with you, having messed up as every museum was closed on Monday, and you making the day so effortlessly good. It was liberating not to feel pressured to be perfect. That experience in Düsseldorf marked a turning point in how I thought about myself, how I viewed my failings… and here I was, in London, feeling inadequate again, trying to mechanically push through instead of having a good laugh at it all, like we did by following random people and having a couple of drinks at a cosy little bar. I miss how effortlessly easy it was to have a good time with you. You made it so easy on me. I miss the feeling of being free.